Category: Science

When Hot Gets Hotter

Recent research from UC Berkeley’s David Romps explores how extreme heat and humidity push the body to its physiological limits.


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When Hot Gets Hotter

Recent research from UC Berkeley’s David Romps explores how extreme heat and humidity push the body to its physiological limits.

A Landscape Made to Flood in Sonoma

Tall oaks with submerged trunks are sure signs that the land is “flooded.” While for some areas that might be a negative, for Laguna de Santa Rosa it’s not only positive but protective.

Beach Loss Looms for the California Coast

Even though Dan Hoover’s been surveying the same stretch of San Francisco’s Pacific coast for 15 years on his ATV, it never looks the same. In summer it’s wider and in winter narrower. With El Niño the beach will erode more than ever.
