Category: Equity
When Housing and Climate Crises Collide
Marin’s failure to develop truly affordable housing sparks debate about equitable growth and climate resilience in a fast-gentrifying county.
Pajaro Residents Weigh In on How to Use Climate Funds
At the Climate of Hope Fair in Pajaro Valley, locals shared ideas on climate funding priorities, from park access to farmworker safety. Learn how the community is guiding climate resilience efforts with the nonprofit Regeneración Pajaro Valley.
Rise South City busca aire limpio para South San Francisco
Francesca Pedraza y Rise South City están instalando monitores de calidad del aire para ver cómo las avenidas que atraviesan South San Francisco afectan la salud de las comunidades latinas. Midiendo los niveles de contaminación y limpiando un arroyo local, esta organización está transformando los barrios de primera línea, aquellos más afectados por el cambio climático.

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Training Future Farmers To Grow More Than Food
At a Bay Area collective for BIPOC and queer farmers, Brooke Porter and Alexa Levy are fighting to build an inclusive food system from the soil up.
When Housing and Climate Crises Collide
Marin’s failure to develop truly affordable housing sparks debate about equitable growth and climate resilience in a fast-gentrifying county.
Pajaro Residents Weigh In on How to Use Climate Funds
At the Climate of Hope Fair in Pajaro Valley, locals shared ideas on climate funding priorities, from park access to farmworker safety. Learn how the community is guiding climate resilience efforts with the nonprofit Regeneración Pajaro Valley.
Rise South City busca aire limpio para South San Francisco
Francesca Pedraza y Rise South City están instalando monitores de calidad del aire para ver cómo las avenidas que atraviesan South San Francisco afectan la salud de las comunidades latinas. Midiendo los niveles de contaminación y limpiando un arroyo local, esta organización está transformando los barrios de primera línea, aquellos más afectados por el cambio climático.
South City Trapped by Freeways But Rising
Francesca Pedraza and Julio Garcia are installing air quality monitors and cleaning a local creek, bringing change to frontline neighborhoods.
Los Niños de San Rafael Enfrentan a los Niveles Crecientes del Mar
En un programa para unir a jóvenes a la planificación de la adaptación climática, estudiantes de quinto grado hicieron modelos de sus hogares y ciudades, y diseños para mejorarlos.
Sizing Up Progress on Nature-Based Infrastructure
A May 2024 environmental conference covers levees, seawalls, reefs, wetlands, and other climate resilient shoreline designs for the Bay Area.
San Rafael Schoolkids Grapple with Rising Canal
In a program to involve youth in climate adaptation planning, fifth graders made models of their homes and town, and designed improvements.
How Collaborating with Community Really Works
A closely-watched co-design process has produced a hard-won plan for new nature-based, flood protection infrastructure and shoreline access points for North Richmond.
Why One Family Moved to the Valley and is Moving Again
A Tracy resident talks about climate change in the Valley and on the Coast.
Seeding Urban Gardens with Love
Two Bay Area gardens are getting a boost from a new, country-wide seed sharing model promoting permaculture.
Changemaker Gets to Know Gilroy
Mariah Padilla, a Bay Area native and city planning student, is exploring community-centric planning with Gilroy.