Category: Heat
Mumbai’s Microforests Model Cooling for California
Can the Miyawaki tree-planting method reduce urban heat and enhance biodiversity in the Bay Area?
A Landscaper Rethinks East Bay Gardens
My landscape maintenance company has a front row seat to how climate change is changing Bay Area gardens. Here’s what a water-wise garden looks like.
Uncertainty Requires a Buffet of Resilience Choices
Oakland plans three main resilience hubs. Activists say funding a more decentralized network could be more equitable.

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When Hot Gets Hotter
Recent research from UC Berkeley’s David Romps explores how extreme heat and humidity push the body to its physiological limits.
Mumbai’s Microforests Model Cooling for California
Can the Miyawaki tree-planting method reduce urban heat and enhance biodiversity in the Bay Area?
A Landscaper Rethinks East Bay Gardens
My landscape maintenance company has a front row seat to how climate change is changing Bay Area gardens. Here’s what a water-wise garden looks like.
Uncertainty Requires a Buffet of Resilience Choices
Oakland plans three main resilience hubs. Activists say funding a more decentralized network could be more equitable.
Summer Tales of Fire & Heat
KneeDeep revisits some of our most thought-provoking stories about how we experience hot weather and fire season, and what local communities and governments are doing to protect us from impacts.
LA Heat Officer Goes Far But Not Far Enough
Knee Deep follows up with Marta Segura, one of only 3 heat chiefs nationwide, about lessons learned since 2023.
Changemaker Gets to Know Gilroy
Mariah Padilla, a Bay Area native and city planning student, is exploring community-centric planning with Gilroy.
Orchards Not So Chill with Warmer Winters
The Central Valley’s bread basket of stone fruit and nut trees could suffer from less cool time in future winters. But what’s the tipping point?
Layer Cake of Risk Mapped for Five Bay Area Hotspots
Greenbelt Alliance worked with data and communities to identify 18 sites where social vulnerability, climate hazards and conservation priorities overlapped, then winnowed them down to five hot spots.
LA Heat Officer Shares Lessons for Northern Neighbors
Marta Segura, California’s first Chief Heat Officer, talks with KneeDeep Times about making extreme heat a priority in Los Angeles.
Unpacking the Hold Up on Heat Protection for Indoor Workers
A long queue of indoor laborers pleaded with the Standards Board of the Cal OSHA last spring to implement long-awaited rules, developed almost five years ago, to protect workers from heat.
Homegrown Go-Tos for Chillin’
A North Bay mom shares tips on how to beat the heat without AC, from wet shirts to wet blankets, and surveys her friends for more.