Category: Bay Area Regional Initiatives
Collecting and Unifying Regional Metrics on Wetland Health
By standardizing and coordinating data collection, the Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program will supercharge new analyses of restoration projects.
Vote Cinches Robust Regional Response to Sea Level Rise
BCDC adopted a Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan in December 2024, setting the stage for local governments to address growing flood threat.
Getting Serious at the City & County Scale About Future Flood Threats
BCDC’s Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan lays out four “Minimum Standards” that Bay Area municipalities must meet as they prepare for sea level rise.

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Boxes of Mud Could Tell a Hopeful Sediment Story
Scientists are testing whether dredged sediment placed in nearby shallows can help our wetlands keep pace with rising seas. Tiny tracers may reveal the answer.
Collecting and Unifying Regional Metrics on Wetland Health
By standardizing and coordinating data collection, the Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program will supercharge new analyses of restoration projects.
Vote Cinches Robust Regional Response to Sea Level Rise
BCDC adopted a Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan in December 2024, setting the stage for local governments to address growing flood threat.
Getting Serious at the City & County Scale About Future Flood Threats
BCDC’s Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan lays out four “Minimum Standards” that Bay Area municipalities must meet as they prepare for sea level rise.
Memo Distills Joint Approach to Flood Protection
Seven Bay Area agencies sign an agreement to beef up coordination on sea level rise adaptation projects and clarify who’s on first.
Sizing Up Progress on Nature-Based Infrastructure
A May 2024 environmental conference covers levees, seawalls, reefs, wetlands, and other climate resilient shoreline designs for the Bay Area.
Big Money but Short Deadlines for Regional GHG Reduction Projects
Requirements for the latest round of USEPA grants for climate resiliency and mitigation projects were tough for local officials to meet.
Will PG&E’s New Rates Help More People Electrify Their Homes?
Could middle income folks end up paying an unfair portion of the cost of the energy transition thanks to the new income-generated fixed charge?
Is the Bay Area Coasting?
Scientist and coastal engineer Kris May shares her views on global versus Bay Area climate experiences in 2023, and the Fifth National Climate Assessment.
Nested Plans Neck and Neck with Rising Bay
Like Russian dolls, Bay Area preparations for sea level rise finally began fitting together this fall.
Layer Cake of Risk Mapped for Five Bay Area Hotspots
Greenbelt Alliance worked with data and communities to identify 18 sites where social vulnerability, climate hazards and conservation priorities overlapped, then winnowed them down to five hot spots.
Finding the Throughline in Multi-Hazard Planning
As climate hazards multiply, Bay Area communities, local governments, and agencies are searching for ways to address them more holistically.