County Locations

Artist Christa Grenawalt Paints with Rain

Snippet of insight from the artist about her work.

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Wildfire in the Big City? 

Wildfire in the Big City? 

San Francisco’s 2025 Hazards and Climate Resilience plan says the city’s urban forests pose a moderate wildfire risk. One resident thinks preparedness could be challenging.

Science Is Like Punk Rock

Science Is Like Punk Rock

Biomedical engineer Cynthia Prieto-Diaz is bringing DIY air quality monitors, community cleanups, and a punk spirit to environmental activism in San Leandro.

Pajaro Residents Weigh In on How to Use Climate Funds

Pajaro Residents Weigh In on How to Use Climate Funds

At the Climate of Hope Fair in Pajaro Valley, locals shared ideas on climate funding priorities, from park access to farmworker safety. Learn how the community is guiding climate resilience efforts with the nonprofit Regeneración Pajaro Valley.

Rise South City busca aire limpio para South San Francisco

Rise South City busca aire limpio para South San Francisco

Francesca Pedraza y Rise South City están instalando monitores de calidad del aire para ver cómo las avenidas que atraviesan South San Francisco afectan la salud de las comunidades latinas. Midiendo los niveles de contaminación y limpiando un arroyo local, esta organización está transformando los barrios de primera línea, aquellos más afectados por el cambio climático.

Marin Makes Clean Sweep of Forest Floors

Marin Makes Clean Sweep of Forest Floors

After witnessing fire disasters in neighboring counties, Marin formed a unique fire prevention authority and taxpayers funded it. Thirty projects and three years later, the county is clearer of undergrowth.