Climate Resilience Initiatives
A small county with a scenic shoreline and plentiful natural areas, Marin has about 70 miles of ocean coast and 40 miles of bay shoreline. Most of Marin’s critical infrastructure, like roadways and utilities, are concentrated along the bay shore at low elevation, making it especially vulnerable to sea level rise. Although Marin is generally an affluent county, the underserved communities of Marin City and the San Rafael Canal neighborhood face the highest risk of flooding. Marin also faces climate impacts such as increased heat, drought, and wildfire.

MarinCAN – Marin’s climate action hub, works to connect and support environmental initiatives throughout Marin, focusing on solutions in six areas: renewable energy, transportation, buildings and infrastructure, local food and food waste, carbon sequestration, and climate resilient communities.
Resilient Neighborhoods – Connects Marin residents with their neighbors to form Climate Action Teams. Each team works together to reduce their households’ greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for heat, fire, storms, or floods.
FireSafe Marin – Nonprofit that promotes fire preparedness through education and helps Marin residents to reduce fire risk to their homes and connect with others to prepare for an emergency.
Electrify Marin – A County of Marin program that offers rebates to help property owners replace their natural gas appliances with all-electric water heaters, furnaces, ranges, and cooktops.
Ride & Drive Clean – Nonprofit based in Marin that helps people navigate the process of buying an electric vehicle or e-bike with free educational webinars, in-person car and bike shows, and test drive events.
Marin Green Business Program – Partnership between business leaders, government agencies and non-profit organizations that promotes businesses that comply with environmental regulations, conserve resources, and prevent waste. Find green businesses in the directory or apply to become a green business.
- Marin Tracker – See how your town compares in greenhouse gas reductions, energy, transportation, waste, and water use.
- Climate Action Plans by City/Town and Unincorporated Areas
- MarinMap Sea Level Rise Viewer
- Richardson Bay Resilience StoryMap
- Sea Level Rise Adaptation Framework
- Adaptation Land Use Planning: Guidance for Marin County Local Governments
- Marin County Sustainability Team
- Marin County Flood District – Sea Level Rise
- Marin Climate & Energy Partnership – Partnership of eleven Marin towns and cities, the County of Marin, and three public agencies that serve Marin.
- MCE Clean Energy – Local CCA energy provider.
Key Contacts
- Dana Armanino, Sustainability Principal Planner at County of Marin Community Development Agency, phone: (415) 473-3292
- Christine O’Rourke, Sustainability Coordinator for Marin Climate & Energy Partnership
- Sebastian Conn, Community Development Manager at MCE Clean Energy, MarinCAN Board member
- Rosemarie Gaglione, Director at Marin Public Works and County Engineer, phone: (415) 473-6529
- Julian Kaelon, Media Manager & Public Information Officer at Marin Public Works, phone: (415) 473-4070