is KneeDeep’s managing editor. She is a Bay Area environmental writer, former editor of Estuary News magazine, and a co-author of a Natural History of San Francisco Bay (UC Press 2011). For the last decade, she’s been reporting on innovations in climate adaptation on the bayshore. She is also an occasional essayist for the San Francisco Chronicle. In other lives, she has been a vintner, soccer mom, and waitress. She lives in San Francisco. See her work at and follow her at
Scientists are testing whether dredged sediment placed in nearby shallows can help our wetlands keep pace with rising seas. Tiny tracers may reveal the answer.... Read more.
We need bolder visions for San Francisco's future this election. From car-free downtown zones to sustainable sports complexes, here are six “unrealistic” ideas... Read more.
A May 2024 environmental conference covers levees, seawalls, reefs, wetlands, and other climate resilient shoreline designs for the Bay Area.... Read more.
To reduce nitrogen loads, the Bay Area is facing an overhaul of wastewater plants to the tune of $16B. Sea level rise calls for other retrofits. The two could require... Read more.
Climate change messaging often falls short, dwelling on too much science, favoring the dark side. Researcher Richelle Tanner is exploring what could help.... Read more.
Even though Dan Hoover's been surveying the same stretch of San Francisco’s Pacific coast for 15 years on his ATV, it never looks the same. In summer it's wider... Read more.
Ten months after the Port of San Francisco lowered 288 experimental tiles into the water, these bio-friendly seawall surfaces are already crawling with crabs and... Read more.
The region is obsessing over beach-building. Whether it's a degraded salt marsh in downtown San Rafael or a sliver of wetlands near the old San Francisco shipyards,... Read more.
As climate change throws more extreme events at us, isn't it time to think bigger, bolder, further ahead? Six young architects draw climate-resilient castles.... Read more.
How housing is built and who it is built for are not only equity questions, but also climate mitigation questions. When people can afford to live near their jobs,... Read more.
Buried in the blueprints for a refurbished San Francisco seawall is a cutting-edge experiment in texturing pieces of this buttress against sea level rise so they... Read more.
I've watched an army of white trucks topped with cranes and chippers remove the oaks, redwoods, bays and manzanitas from around the power lines on our mountain in... Read more.
Two days on the ground filming and talking with work crews planting new zones of the Giant Marsh Living Shoreline. "We need habitat to mature enough to function... Read more.
Scientists are now more confident we should plan for up to a foot of sea-level rise on the Pacific Coast by 2050 than they were the last time they did the math.... Read more.
The specter of sea level rise, perpetual drought, and disappearing wetlands has put many sizes and shapes of horizontal levee on the region's shoreline adaptation... Read more.
"We’re still in the process of analyzing our other fire-prone areas of town, but based on what we already know about Christmas Tree Hill’s vulnerabilities to... Read more.
Random snippets from the 2021 California Adaptation Forum, an event designed for government planners and activists to share insights on climate adaptation and resilience.... Read more.
With rains overwhelming local drains in late October, the visible construction progress over the summer on Orange Memorial Park, a regional stormwater capture facility... Read more.
Oakland residents are fighting for better, cleaner transit access to the shore, and bike routes that don't take them on freeway overpasses and through the bad air... Read more.
If late fall fires start up again after the October deluge, Alameda County will already have smoke alert protocols in place. The county developed specific thresholds... Read more.
While the weather is top of mind for many, others are riveted to congressional antics over the long-awaited massive spending bill designed to fix the nation's roads,... Read more.
Regional leaders approved a joint platform of nine actions and 21 tasks this June aimed at galvanizing the Bay Area into collaboration on sea level rise adaptation.... Read more.
What do rock walls across Delta water channels, brown lawns, bans on hoses, and red flag fire warnings have in common? California’s deepening drought. Up in the... Read more.
How much mud do we need to save Bay Area marshes from rising seas and how will we move it into position? If the future is drier there’s one answer, and if it’s... Read more.
Ten future reconfigurations of a Marin City lagoon, park and highway site subject to flooding came from UC Berkeley students last fall. The students from Dr. Kristina... Read more.