laurel dell fire poster
laurel dell fire poster sloppy

Frank, Genesis, Jonathan, Nora, Grayson, Marc, Sarah & Ben, San Rafael

Quilt Square #29

Student Stories

1. It was a calm afternoon, birds chirping, sun high in the sky — until I saw it; a fire burning hot. I started to panic. My hands were shaking. I was nervous, but on the surface I looked calm.  I was too anxious to notice in time. If only I had a fire extinguisher and a “go-bag” ready, I could have escaped in time. Now all that is left of me and my house is a pile of ash in the forest. Sometimes I think to myself, if only, if only. Why did I have to die if only I had a fire extinguisher and a “go-bag”, I could have survived.

2. All of a sudden lightning struck fear. Flames were emerging far and near.  We ran for our lives, children, husbands and wives.  Luckily there were controlled burns and the fire was low.


In spring 2024, fifth graders in Mr. Belmont’s class at Laurel Dell Elementary in San Rafael worked with architects from Youth in Arts, UC Berkeley’s Y-Plan, and mentors from the City of San Rafael, the Canal Alliance, and the Marin School of Environmental Leadership on a challenge from the Union of Concerned Scientists: How can we reduce the environmental impacts of climate change and sea level rise, while creating a more resilient San Rafael? This poster showing Wildfire Safety tips — like planting away from the house, having a go bag, and knowing your neighbors — was one of their answers.


Poster: Genesis, Nora, Jonathan, Frank, Grayson, Laurel Dell Elementary
Ben, Marin SEL, Terra Linda High School
Sarah, Dominican University
Quilt Story Writers: Grayson (1) & Marc (2)

Photos: Y-Plan