Digital Data Base
California’s state government provides a one-stop adaptation clearinghouse to help local governments and communities plan for climate change.

The Adaptation Clearinghouse allows you to navigate a searchable database of adaptation and resilience resources that have been organized by climate impact, topic, and region. The Clearinghouse also provides a platform for Californians to share and access case studies and stories about how and why their communities, businesses, and organizations are responding to climate change impacts.
History – In 2015, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 246 (Wieckowski), which directed the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to form the Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP). The program is designed to develop a cohesive and coordinated response to the impacts of climate change across State, local, and regional levels and includes the State Climate Adaptation Clearinghouse. The primary audience for the Adaptation Clearinghouse is public agencies, planners, and decision-makers, including state, tribal, local (city, county, special district), and regional governments.
- Introduction and Guide to the Clearinghouse
- Adaptation Planning Guide for Local Governments
- Explore 200+ Case Studies
- Resources by Adaptation Topic